Why do you live in this world?
Per què vius en aquest món?
Font: MaCoCu
As always happens in this world.
Com sempre passa en aquest món.
Font: MaCoCu
Why do we live in this world?
Per què vivim en aquest món?
Font: MaCoCu
Unfortunately, we are not alone in this world.
Malauradament, no estem sols en aquest món.
Font: Covost2
You can live in this world very easily.
Pots viure en aquest món molt fàcilment.
Font: Covost2
You can’t trust anybody in this crazy world.
No pots confiar en ningú en aquest món boig.
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There’s a remedy for everything in this world.
Per a tot hi ha remei en aquest món.
Font: Covost2
Unfortunately, most people live in this world nowadays.
Malauradament, la majoria de gent viu en aquest món avui.
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The masked actors, the puppeteers, they disappear, and the audience makes that leap into this world, into this imaginary world of "The Tempest" actually happening.
Els actors amb màscares i els titellaires desapareixen mentre el públic es fica en aquest món, en aquest món imaginari on "La tempesta" ocorre de debò.
Font: TedTalks
In this world, the ecosystem is originated and supported by a central huge tree.
L’ecosistema s’origina en aquest món, recolzat per un arbre central enorme.
Font: Covost2
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